Cyberhotel Software


Cyberhotel is a mature product working very fine both in small or large hotel.
It's already the only one system offering both Wifi and Phone for Hotel.

It have incredible flexibility, can use many different hardware platforms

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It can be used as simple PBX + Hotel PBX + Wifi portal system + Desktop
+ router, ++. Cyberhotel is a reliable and strong swiss knife 
suitable for all budgets

Try it you wouldn't believe your eyes !


On end 2009 we have started
this new software as Hotel PBX
is very close to our Cybercallshop.
We have just included Captive
portal Hotspot system to offer
a complet solution
and first Hotel in France 70
rooms was installed.

At first this market was very new
for us and we have done many
efforts to suit our customer need.

After 3 monthes beta test this
customer decide to migrate
all hôtel group with Cyberhotel.

2010 / 2011:

Cyberhotel is working in many
French hotel and one in Ivory coast.
It make proof of reliability in
various conditions:
Hot or cold weather, with or
without internet (using gateway)

First High class Hotel
Place Madeleine in Paris powered
by Cyberhotel.

Cyberhotel is an amazing cost
saver and is the best investment
in economic crisis period

hotel voip private branch exchange ipbx billing for hospitality, wifi hotspot captive portal