Several versions are available, please select what you need
1 - Cyber-rasp For Raspberry PI3
This last 2017 version is a fully optimized for last Raspberry PI3 it will transform your device to a powerful
hospitality system Phone administration, Phone billing, Wifi access administration, this version use the internal
wireless as controlled access point and can handle an access points network with a USB/LAN accessory.
Version Freepbx - Asterisk 11.21.
Routines are included to migrate from MMC to USB-SSD disk and make easy Backup
Download img here For installation instructions, please refer to Raspbx or Raspbian website.
2 - Freepbx 2.11 plugin version for Asterisk 1.8 or 11
English Installation Instructions -- English Advanced user guide
Instructions Installation Francais -- Guide Utilisateur Avance Francais
You will get full Cyberhotel version including captive portal with temporary license
3 - Debian 7 desktop OS Asterisk 1.8
This version is a full Mate/gnome desktop including office tools and also Cyberhotel full features
you can also use it as server only.
French version download --- French version MD5
English version download --- English version MD5
Default passwords root / comdif and for user cyber / cyber, change it after install.
4 - Debian server Asterisk 1.8 with Dahdi
This version is a full Cyberhotel with preloaded drivers to use asterisk cards
5 - Cyber-wrt
This version is a full embedded Cyberhotel distro for ASUS RT-AC56U router.
Download Instructions